1. Submitted papers must be in English?
No Researchers can prepare and submit their papers in Persian or English. It should be noted that selected papers for ISI should be submitted to the profile after their selection.
2. Will those receive a certificate who registers as non-attendance individuals?
Yes, all registered non-attendees will receive their certifications. Noted that while registering, it is absolutely necessary to insert the full postal address and postal.
3. What are the costs for the researchers? Do all of authors have to pay?
Fees includes congress day, congress attendance, congress curriculum package including CD collection of congress papers and electronic abstracts book (PDF), certificate of acceptance of the paper (if there is a paper), and noted that certificate will be printed for all authors of paper.
4.If the paper has been accepted, How to pay for registration fees?
All fees will be paid online and will be paid via the User Panel.
5. Will co-authors receive a certificate?
Yes! All of accepted paper authors will receive certification.
6. Will i pay a fee before judgement the paper? What is the cost of the congress?
No - Researchers will pay only after accepting the paper(which will be notified by email). Refer to the registration fees menu.
7. How many papers can any user submit to the congress?
There is no limit to the presentation of the paper by the researchers, and the conditions for accepting and printing the paper are only subject to the acceptance of the papers by the Scientific Committee and paying the cost of registration in Congress.
8. How can i submit my paper to the Congress? Via email or user system?
You must filled up the registeration form at the system users site before submitting any paper. And after that Go back to the Congress site and log in to the user panel via login form. the go to the "Papers Submission" menu.[Format and how to post the papers]
Whose papers which sent by is not accepted. Obviously, the paper will not be reviewed by email and will make the process difficult. congress emails are just for answering comments, suggestions, questions, problems, and ...
9. Are review-papers also accepted?
Yes, scientific papers-reviews that are about new topics and new content are being accepted, but the priority is to provide oral presentations with research papers.
10-Time and manner of indexing
The possibility of submitting papers for ISI journals is only possible for authors whose papers are selected by Congresses referees. In fact, the authors should first submit their papers to Congress, and then, if accepted, they can register and Submit it to journals. It should be noted that the names of the journals, how to translate and register, and to post and print papers in journals, will be inform in the website of congress, should be reminded that all the approved journals are approved by the Ministry of Science and the latest blacklist Announcement has been reviewed.